Friday, 23 January 2009


As no one else has posted apart from Graeme, I have taken it upon myself to do whatever possible to increase our knowledge of philosophy, starting with the basic definition of the word 'Philosopher', here are two different arguments for what the word means.

1. A student of or specialist in philosophy.

2. A fool who torments himself when alive to be remembered when dead.

Now I don't know about you guys but I am liking the thinking behind definition two.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Philosophy Questions

I have nothing else to do at the moment so i thought i would find some interesting philosophical questions:

1) Can you prove to me that you are not figments of my imagination?

2) What is being?

3) If life is predestined, is there such thing as good and bad? Can you punish someone who did not chose to do something, but did it because someone decided that they would do it at the dawn of time?

What do you think?

Also, heres a link to some funny philosophical questions.
With exams coming up we could all do with a good laugh :D