Friday, 27 March 2009

Determinism Essay

Right i started this a few hours ago, it is quit difficult etc.
so lets help each other?
I can't be the only one surly?

How are you planning on righting it? Do you even plan it?

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Free Will?

I was just thinking.

Free will, can it be applied to love?

These days people tend to have many relationships before they find 'the one' a lot of those will be choices from free will.
But when you do fall in love (your you think you have) surly that is against all free will and it just happens?
You can not help who you fall for.

It was just a small thought running through my mind at work thought i would post it and see what you thought of it.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Earlier today in philosophy, some of you were saying that you wanted my iphone info, so the number is 07762794706. And my email on my iphone is

if you also put down your emails and phone numbers then we can more easily contact each other for things e.g. philosophy, because we aren't always at a computer able to use the blog, eh?

Do you approve Mr Nutbrown?