Monday, 23 February 2009

Just a thought on free will

I was just thinking, does God really have free will if he exists? 

It has been said that due to God knowing what humans will do in the future we don't have free will. However, as God knows everything surely he also knows his own future, therefore discounting his ability to have free will himself, which in turn makes it impossible for him to be all powerful as you need to be able to have free will to be all powerful.


GN said...

Good thinking. It is also said that God is immutable, unchanging, but this would mean he hasn't got free will because any use of free will implies a cognitive change (unless he has it but never uses it, but what would be the point of that? Sheer waste!). If he has it and uses it, he must change, which leaves open the possibility that he changes either for the better (in which case he isn't already perfect) or for the worse...but who would want a deteriorating God? All of which shows that there isn't much joy for the theist in trying to rationalize about God's characteristics: they are bound to trip over each other.

Matth said...

God exhists outside of time so he has neither present nor future and maybe gods wasteful like that.