Tuesday, 12 May 2009

God and evolution, the meaning of life

The Meaning of life

I am thinking that humans as a species are only a link in a chain - at the end of the chain will be the ultimate knowledge of the 'meaning', but in order to get to that stage we need to evolve, evolve to something greater than human.
When the meaning is finally found by one thing, this ultimate meaning will give that thing ultimate knowledge, with knowledge comes power and with power brings the ability to be good, so basically a new 'God' shall be created....this is the only explanation i can give to how the God that is here now exists.
Once the new God is created, the old God (the one present) will die, however - its not really a death as the new being that is God will have all the same powers that God has so surely can be called God?
We say that shakespear lives forever due to his stories....he’s not physically living....can this not be the same with God...the powers stay the same, the being changes?

1 comment:

GN said...

It would certainly be nice to think that humans are evolving towards supreme understanding, but evolution has to have an incentive to take a species in a certain direction, a survival incentive. I suspect that there just isn't enough time left before we muck things up completely. To believe that there is some inevitabilty about progress is to imply that there is a power that guides us to wards perfection - ie God. A real one, not our own creation. If we don't believe that, I don't see a reason for believing in progres being inevitable. Or even likely.