Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Graeme's Philosophical ramblings about animals and the mind (+ rant)

Roll up! Roll up!
See the phantasmical "MIKE, THE HEADLESS CHICKEN"

Also, i was thinking about animals and morality earlier, recently in the news there was the story of a 4 year old boy who was killed by a dog, the dog was promptly killed. I find this to be pathetic, humans kill people all the time and have "human rights" but when an animal kills someone, even if it is an accident, you never know, the dog could have felt in danger from the child. When an animal, especially dogs, kill someone, the media makes a big deal of it and like i said, it is killed, the same is true of schizophrenics. When anyone other than a "normal" person kills, it is "OMG SHOCK HORROR, THE WORLD IS ENDING!", when a "normal" person kills someone its like, "oh hello how are you? would you like a biscuit?"


(Rant over)

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